Today, more and more people understand that the mechanistic-materialist worldview based on classical physics is incomplete. In addition to physical and biological factors, also the psychological, social and ethical features of a person are part of the dynamic fabric of reality. The sharp juxtaposition of the natural science and humanities approaches, fueled by erroneous basic assumptions, is progressively easing.

For centuries, philosophy has debated whether a human being is essentially a machine or a spiritual being. Interpreting reality one-dimensionally as either material or spiritual has obscured the understanding of the nature and meaning of human inner reality – how our knowledge, values, and goals also influence the shaping of the external world. 

The boundary between a human being and the environment is blurred, even on a physical level; The countless bacteria around us also participate in our vital functions and there may be more of them inside us than our own cells, which also change many times during our lifetime. Devices that scan the brain functions have shown that the neurophysiological states of the brain and the subjectively experienced contents of the mind are clearly interdependent and interact closely with each other. Whether we think of the deeper essence of these fundamental structures as matter, spirit, energy, or even information, they always take shape as part of a wider network of biological and cultural causes and conditions. When the state of the mind changes, so does the brain state. By controlling the contents of the mind, we can regulate our brain: strengthen, weaken or create new connections between neurons. EEG-guided meditation is a good example of this.

The future of humanity is largely in our own hands. Solving global problems requires a renewal of ways of thinking; the ability to more or less consciously choose our own path from the countless possibilities contained in reality. A responsible person understands that she or he is something more than just a pre-programmed automated machine. She/He is able to develop their own inner state, to promote the realization of harmony and balance both in themself and in their environment - such a person sees that in the end, working for the common good is the best way to fulfill one's own interest as well.

A change in worldview renews health thinking (in Finnish) Blog post 2017

Quantum Physics and Oriental Philosophy (in Finnish) Seminar Presentation 2014