Neurophenomenological research on meditation, selfhood and altered states of consciousness. Society of Natural Philosophy, Science House Helsinki 20.09. 2022 VIDEO

A list of Tarja Kallio-Tamminen's presentations in Finnish prior to 2022 can be found below. The presentations held in international conferences in English are among the publications opening from the front page.

  • Perspectives from philosophy of science. Natural philosophy society's Observation, theory and interpretation in physics and cosmology theme evening 14.12.2021.
  • Quantum cognition. Society of Natural Philosophy 10.11.2020.
  • Artificial intelligence, man and world view. Theme day of the Society for Future Studies What after homo sapiens? Science House Helsinki 20.09.2019.
  • Neuroscience and philosophy of mind. The philosophy of mind  theme evening of the Natural Philosophy Society on 19.9.2017.
  • A chakra journey into the inner self. Saarijärvi Yoga College 6-9 June. 2016.
  • The effect of meditation on measurable brain functions. Natural Philosophy Society, House of Science, Helsinki 28 February 2015.
  • EEG-assisted meditation. Pori Art Museum Thu 7.5. 2015.
  • Quantum physics and Eastern philosophy. The Quantum Mechanics seminar of the Natural Philosophy Society. Science House, Helsinki 29 September 2014.
  • Matter, spirit and evolution. Seminar of the Critical College and Philosopher's Club cultural center in Sofia. Presentation Materialistic world view, reductionism and emergence, 15.11. 2014.
  • Reality from the perspective of physics and philosophy. Open academy: Life and reality lecture series, Rauma 20 March 2013.
  • Will spirit rise to the worldview. Religious-philosophical symposium, Cultural Center Sofia, Helsinki 8.6. 2013.
  • Will spirit rise to the worldview. Days of spirituality, Konsa manor, Turku 22 September 2013.
  • K.V. Laurikainen extending the limits of science. Natural Philosophy Society 25 years - K.V. Laurikainen celebration symposium, Helsinki 12 November 2013.
  • Viewers and Actors making reality - a breakthrough in the perception of reality from the perspective of quantum mechanics. Kajaani theater days, Mustarinda artist residency Hyrynsalmi 20-21.1. 2012.
  • Matter and spirit in the human image of yoga. Winter days of the Finnish Yoga Association Culture Center Sofia, Helsinki 10.03. 2012.
  • Viewers and Actors making reality - a breakthrough in the perception of reality from the perspective of quantum mechanics. Kajaani theater days, Mustarinda artist residency Hyrynsalmi 20-21.1. 2012.
  • Matter and spirit in the human image of yoga. Winter days of the Finnish Yoga Association Culture Center Sofia, Helsinki 10.03. 2012.
  • Yoga psychology 4 h lecture. In the yoga instructor training organized by the Helsinki adult education center on May 28, 2011.
  • Energy and life force. Finnish Yoga Association's course at the Saarijärvi Yoga College (8 hours of lectures). 5.-8.8. 2011.
  • Physics and philosophy as shapers of the worldview. Ecology, ethics, aesthetics" study unit of the Academy of Fine Arts 13.10. 2010.
  • On the evolution of culture. Are we living in the middle of a cultural revolution? Ekosäätiö's and Kriittinen högää's lecture series "This human world". Portania 12.10.2009.
  • Where did the substance disappear to? Physics breaking basic cultural assumptions. Philosopher's club of Kriittinen högålö, Helsinki 13.10. 2009.
  • Intuition and spiritual growth. Yoga therapy association's yoga school. Helsinki, at the Steiner school 14.11. 2009.
  • Insight and intuition. Finnish Yoga Association course at Saarijärvi Yoga Institute. (8h lecture) Quantum reality. 4.-7.12. 2009.
  • Me, mind and consciousness. Winter days of the Finnish Yoga Association, Valamo 8.3. 2008. Insight and intuition. Finnish Yoga Association's course at Saarijärvi Yoga Institute (8h lecture) 5-8.12. 2008.
  • Ontological implications of quantum physics. Research seminar in philosophy, University of Tampere 21.4. 2005. Quantum Reality. Natural Philosophy Society, Tieteiden talo 18.9.2007.
  • Quantum mechanics and the worldview. Physics in our midst event in Kumpula, University of Helsinki information office 8 December 2004.
  • What is natural philosophy? Science Days Science Night event 9.1. 2003.
  • Quantum mechanics for humanists. Natural philosophy seminars at the Department of High Energy Physics 13.11, 27.11. and 4.12. 1998.
  • Science has its limits - reflections by K.V. From Laurikainen's dissertation. Seminars of the Natural Philosophy Society 12.2. and 19.2.1998.
  • The necessity of civilization. Studia generalia lecture series 'Paths to wise development' Mikkeli civic college and Savonlinna summer university 14.4 and 15.4.1998.
  • The necessity of civilization. Eastern Finland II library days in Kuopio 3 June 1998.
  • From the information society to the civilized society. Studia Ecologhica, Porthania 17.2.1997.
  • A change in the worldview - a reassessment of the perception of reality. Åbo Academy's New Ways of Thinking leadership training. 24.04.1997.
  • A changing worldview. Vaasa County Art Committee and Central Ostrobothnia Summer University 28 April 1997.
  • Quantum mechanics and perception of reality. Oulunkylä Health and Social Center 29 April 1997.
  • Science has its limits. Discussion with K.V. From Laurikainen's dissertation. K.V. Laurikainen memorial panel, University of Oulu 22 August 1997.
  • K.V. Laurikainen and Copenhagen interpretation. K.V. Laurikainen's memorial symposium at Säätytalo on 25 September 1997.
  • Breakdown of the perception of reality. Future environmental actions lecture series in Porthania, Dodo ry.24.1.1996.
  • Niels Bohr as a natural philosopher. Seminar of the Natural Philosophy Society, Department of High Energy Physics 25 January 1996.
  • Crisis of realism, initialization. In the natural philosophy seminar at the Department of High Energy Physics on 28 March 1996.
  • Thoughts on matter waves. Natural philosophy seminar at the Department of High Energy Physics, May 9, 1996.
  • Ecophilosophy discussion. Colorful Port summer event in Rautalammi on 14 July 1996.
  • A new world view. Urbanism in a small town seminar in Pietarsaari. Central Ostrobothnia Summer University. 4.8.1996.
  • Quantum mechanics and ontology. Natural philosophy seminar at the Department of High Energy Physics 19.09.1996.
  • Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness - Bohr and Pauli's Concept of the Detached Observer. Natural philosophy seminar at the Department of High Energy Physics 17 October 1996.
  • Quantum mechanics and perception of reality. Snellman University 25.10.1996 Bohr and deconstruction, Natural Philosophy seminar at the Department of High Energy Physics 7.11.1996.
  • From dualism to complementarity. The challenge of natural philosophy to philosophy and theology-seminar. Religious Pedagogical Institute, Järvenpää. 1.11.1996.
  • Perception of reality in the light of modern physics. Karjaa civic college 25.11.1996.
  • The Bohr-Einstein Controversy. Department of High Energy Physics, Natural Philosophy Seminar 9.3 1995.
  • Quantum reality - from the world view of quantum physics. Porthania 12.7.1995.
  • Will the perception of science change. Panel discussion at Porthania, the joint organization of Vapaan Sivistystyo. Autumn 1994.